El Banco de Desarrollo del Ecuador B.P. (BDE) desempeña un rol fundamental en la materialización, a nivel territorial, de los desafíos del Gobierno Nacional para garantizar el progreso en todo el país. Esta función se cumple a través del financiamiento de programas, obras y proyectos, principalmente de infraestructura productiva, servicios básicos, fortalecimiento institucional, equipamiento, vivienda, educación, entre otros.
The BDE is part of what is known as a Development Bank. That is, financial institutions that are created with the objective of supporting clients that could not be served primarily by a commercial bank. Through this work, it is possible to reconcile the work of promoting development in the territories with the greatest need in the country, with the preservation of the economic and financial strength of the institution. This represents a priority that characterizes us and guides our management.
In practice, the Bank carries out its management through placements and disbursements that are channeled in favor of its varied portfolio of clients for the development of projects throughout the country. In this way, the BDE contributes both with the financing of the projects during their execution and with the injection of new resources into local economies, depending on the conditions of the financing contracts.

Beneficiary of the Vía Chaltura - Santiago del Rey, Imbabura province.

Improvement and expansion of the drinking water system in Cuenca, Azuay province.
In its role as Development Banking, BDE provides its clients with reimbursable and non-reimbursable resources with which to complement and enhance the projects, especially for the territories with the greatest development gaps. This work is based on our mission and institutional vision, promoting an inclusive and balanced development through projects with high economic and social profitability for our clients and citizens.
The resources assigned by the Bank have been, to a great extent, destined to the execution of several projects, among which are works such as sewerage systems, drinking water or solid waste collection in the different cantons of the country, having a positive impact on the levels of well-being of the population and contributing to the fight to eradicate poverty and its multiple effects.
Another important line of work promoted by the Bank is transportation and roads, with which trade, tourism, integration and territorial connectivity are possible, while facilitating other activities. With the Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GAD) being our main clients, the Bank's resources have been used to change the lives of people in both urban and rural areas.
Considering the current situation at the national level, other important sectors in the Bank are: Irrigation and Flood Prevention, Education, Institutional Strengthening, Urban Development, Energy, Health, among others.
BDE is a key partner in Gross Capital Formation (FBK) at a local level, because the fixed assets that are used by local governments for the production of goods and services are constantly increased through the financing that the Bank makes for the different works throughout the national territory. This variable is essential for the country to grow, generate employment and, therefore, promote greater well-being for the population.
Under these parameters, the Bank concentrates all its efforts on:
- Conceder créditos oportunos y con un adecuado dimensionamiento, que promueven una alta rentabilidad social bajo líneas de trabajo consolidadas, como las de infraestructura, servicios básicos y la cartera de vivienda, contribuyendo con Programas prioritarios del Gobierno para atender importantes demandas de la sociedad.
- Ampliar y mejorar la oferta de productos y programas financieros del Banco para atender nuevos nichos de mercado, priorizados como parte de la estrategia nacional de desarrollo del Estado, mediante el impulso y financiamiento de proyectos que complementen esfuerzos con el sector privado, a través de asociaciones público-privadas; proyectos autosustentables; y, proyectos que fomenten y efectivicen la responsabilidad social y ambiental.
- Promoting economic and social development that respects the environment, to which the Bank's work agenda is directly linked, making it essential to make the leap towards a more specialized financial proposal (Green Banking) that considers the application of new cost-efficient technologies.
Maintaining a comprehensive offer of financial solutions suited to the needs of our clients; seeking inclusive development in the areas with the most development challenges and without losing sight of profitability and financial health indexes so that the Bank's operations remain at the service of Ecuadorian society over time.

Construction of the road to Marcabelí, Province of El Oro.